Handl Tyrol GmbH has been using SAP ERP for years, is currently migrating from ECC 6.0 to S/4HANA and is planning to implement additional modules such as production with MRP run and MES.
Analysis of end-to-end processes in the MRP and MES context for feasibility in the SAP environment and, if necessary, other software solutions.
Definition of target processes based on SAP best practices
Project objective
Successful completion of the migration to S/4HANA at Handl Tyrol GmbH by the end of 2024, including the analysis and evaluation of a possible expansion to include MRP and MES functionalities
Project activities
Documentation and as-is analysis of the end-to-end processes Forecast to Plan, Order to Cash, Procure to Pay, Plan to Stock, Intercompany, Stock to Stock, QM-Audit to Report and Request to created & updated Master Data
Development of target processes based on SAP best practices
SAP partner evaluation for the implementation of the target processes
Conception of the implementation of the target processes in the new software landscape